Monday, March 6, 2017

Up for a Challenge?

Here it is....A 10 day Sugar Free Challenge.  What does this mean? 

Don't eat ANY sugar for 10 days!  This includes honey, molasses, syrup, artificial sweeteners (like Splenda, NutraSweet), sugar alcohols (malitol and xylitol), no refined sugar, no brown sugar.

Insert scary music here...dun dun dunnnnnn

Let me be the first to tell you.  This will be hard.  I'll admit it, I'm a sugarholic.  It took me a long long time to admit that.  But, the day you catch yourself dropping a used container of Pillsbury dark fudge frosting in the trash and then retrieving it as soon as it lands, just to eat one more spoonful, you know you've got a serious sugar problem.  And... I hope none of you are judging me for dumpster diving.

Here we go:  Take a few minutes and go through your pantry and look at labels.  If the label has any sugar in it you can't have it during the challenge.  But, you've got to look harder than just sugar.  Food manufacturers hide sugar in everything...even sugar free foods!  So here is a list of words that manufacturers use to so you will think it's "HEALTHY" 

Other Names for Sugar

Agave syrup
Beet molasses
Beet sugar
Brown rice syrup
Brown sugar
Cane crystals
Cane juice
Cane sugar
Corn sugar
Corn syrup
Corn sweetener
Crystalline fructose
Date sugar
Ethyl maltol
Fruit juice
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Hydrolyzed corn starch
Malt syrup
Muscovado sugar
Palm sugar
Rice Syrup
Sweetened condensed milk

The Challenge will BEGIN March 13, 2017

The Rules for the Challenge

There are 2 options for the challenge.  One is definitely doable for anyone.  The other is tougher and pretty hard core!  That's why it's called a challenge!

Rule 1.  Pick your plan
Rule 2.  Make sure you read your chosen plan

Rules for Plan A

  • No added sugar of any kind. No sugar substitutes (including honey, molasses, sucrolose, etc). This means no dessert, candy, soft drinks, sports drinks, diet drinks.
  • No fruit or fruit juices - if you absolutely can't stand this rule, you can have a few (just a few) blueberries or blackberries.
  • No processed products that have added sugar or sugar substitutes (pasta sauce, salad dressings, ketchup, yogurts, etc). Make sure you're reading labels.  I was surprised when I saw that a can of green beans has added sugar.  Make sure you reference the list above of other names sugar goes by.
  • No white flour or white starches (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice). Use brown rice or whole wheat flour. If using whole wheat bread or pasta, make sure there aren’t any hidden sugars in them. You’ll be surprised how many of them have sugars or sugar substitutes.  You may want to try a whole grain sprouted bread like  Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Grain.  You might also want to try some of my new recipes for flatbread and tortillas which limit wheat flour altogether.  I'll post them in the blog for your convenience.
  • No sugary veggies like carrots, beets, corn, sweet potatoes.  Stick with the greens, leafy lettuces, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower.
  • No alcohol!  That's's only 10 days.  

    Rules for Plan B
  • No added sugar of any kind. No sugar substitutes (including honey, molasses, sucrolose, etc). This means no dessert, candy, soft drinks, sports drinks, diet drinks.
  • No fruit juices - (even if it says 100% fruit juice and doesn’t list added sugars).  But, with Plan B, you are allowed to have some fruit.  Apples, oranges, berries are your best choices.  Just don't go overboard, because they do have quite a bit of sugar and it will spike your blood sugar levels.  It can also trigger your brain to get sidetracked and start craving processed sugars again.  Be careful and eat in moderation.
  • No processed products that have added sugar or sugar substitutes (pasta sauce, salad dressings, ketchup, yogurts, etc). Make sure you're reading labels.  Do you have any idea how much sugar is in ketchup!  WOW
  • In plan B, you may eat white flour and white starches, but let me warn you.  They are loaded with carbs, which turn into sugar.  If you're goal during this challenge is to lose some weight, you may be shooting yourself in the foot here.  Remember, moderation is the key!
  • Make sure you are loading up on veggies and yes, you can have carrots sticks. 
  • Limit your alcohol intake.  You don't want to consume mixed drinks because the mixers contain tons of sugar.  A glass of red wine won't hurt you too bad.  Just don't go overboard.  It's easy for a couple of drinks to turn into devouring a bag of chips and someone ordering pizza.
Rule 3.  Get determined and stick with the plan!


Why can’t I have sugar substitutes?
Artificial sugar substitutes may not have the calories, but they are loaded with chemicals, some proven to be cancer causing. All sugar substitutes (including natural ones like honey, and fruit juices) have the same impact on your brain as sugar does. They make you crave more sweets, increase hunger, and don’t help you kick the sugar addiction, which is what we’re trying to do here.
If I follow Plan A, why can’t I have white flour, bread, rice, and potatoes?
White flour, bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes have a high glycemic index and turn into sugar in your body. The refining process used in making white flour removes about 100 vitamins and minerals from the wheat kernel. I’ve read that white flour is worse for you than sugar!

Complex carbohydrates like fresh vegetables are more slowly absorbed into the body and provide longer lasting energy.
Please let me know in the comment section below if you’ll be joining me for the 10 Day Sugar Free Challenge! Let me know which plan you've decided to use and most important...Don’t let me do this alone 🙂