Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Bulletproof Coffee

Do you wake up in the morning knowing that you should eat breakfast, but you just can't eat?  Do you skip breakfast because you just don't have time to fix yourself something?  Do you find yourself starving around 10:30 am whether you eat breakfast or not?

Here's your solution...Bulletproof Coffee

It will keep your satisfied, with no hunger until lunch time. might not even realize it's lunch time until you look at the clock or a buddy asks you where you want to go for lunch.

Just take a cup 8 oz of hot STRONG coffee, add 1 Tbsp of butter and 1 Tbsp of coconut oil.  Pour it in a blender and blend until frothy.  It's my new favorite breakfast!  Best part, you get all the creaminess and 0 carbs :)

Don't turn your nose up until you've tried it.  If you need a little sweetness added you can add a few drops of stevia or sweetener, but watch it, most sugar substitutes contain up to 3 carbs per packet or 1/2 tsp.

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