Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Teresa's DietBet Journey

I would like to invite anyone interested in losing a few pounds to join me on a fun 4 week journey!  I have started my own game in the Dietbet world.  

You are probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about aren't you?  DietBet.com is a website that allows individuals to set up their own games.  Get your friends, family or anyone to join you.  Everyone puts in the same amount of money for the bet.  In the case of my game it's $25.00.  You are betting on yourself to lose 4% of your starting weight in 4 weeks.  The great thing about this challenge is everyone can win.  The players who complete the challenge and lose 4% of their starting weight, will split the pot.  So you will at least get your money back and possibly more.  If you prefer, you can donate your winnings to charity.  You can use any food program that you like, some use Atkins, WW, low calorie, whatever feels good to you.  Personally, I love the 17 Day Diet.  The 17 Day Diet is a book by Dr. Mike Moreno.  It is available in hardback or ebook.  Check out Amazon or Barnes and Noble for your copy.

Teresa's DietBet game actually started on March 23rd, (yesterday) so there is still plenty of time for you to get signed up and join us in the fun.  You can share your days with other players in the game or not.  But, from personal experience talking about my accomplishments, victories and struggles have helped me to continue on my weight loss journey.  Click here to check it out. Teresa's DietBet

I also want to share something else with you.  The company that I work for, Skinny Body Care is offering an AMAZING challenge.  This challenge begins on April 1, 2015.  This is for existing customers, distributors, and new customers.  The WorldWide 90 Day Challenge!!  Three people will win an amazing prize.  An all expense paid trip to Miami, FL  a day of pampering and a complete makeover AND get to be a TV star on the new Health and Wellness Network!  If you are already a customer, just click the link above and sign up.  If you are new to the Skinny Fiber product and ready to make a purchase click here first... New to Skinny Fiber

Even if you're not interested in the challenge or Skinny Fiber or the DietBet.  Take just a couple of minutes and click the link for WorldWide 90 day Challenge and watch the 2 minute video.  I'm featured in the video.  It's very exciting for me.  I'm definitely a product of the product.  

When I first started taking Skinny Fiber it was August 26, 2013.  I was considered morbidly obese at 207 lbs on a small 5' frame.  I was very unhealthy and it didn't matter what kind of diet on was on I couldn't stick with it for very long at all.  Yes, I'd lose a few pounds and get frustrated and quit and gain it all back.  When I found Skinny Fiber, I was desperate.  I made my first purchase praying it would help me, but in the back of my mind, feeling like it was a complete scam.  The bright side was they said there was an empty bottle money back guarantee.  So I clicked the button and placed my order.

That was the best purchase I've ever made.  This is not a miracle or magic pill.  So, don't think that's what I'm saying.  It is a tool.  It is a 100% all natural tool.  There are no stimulants, you will not feel anxious, jittery or have heart palpitations like "diet pills" or some other products out there that will help you lose weight.   Skinny Fiber has helped me stick with a healthy eating plan.  Within just the first few days, I no longer craved ice cream at night, I no longer craved salty carb ridden chips and I quit drinking diet soda cold turkey. (I was drinking 5 32oz fountain drinks per day.)  I could go on and on and on about this product and the health benefits I've received.  In a word...Amazing!

Now, back to the DietBet.  Please join us, like I said you can use any diet plan your prefer.  It's fun, it keeps you accountable and you can win some money.  Now, who doesn't like winning money??  I hope to see some new faces join the game.

Monday, March 2, 2015

When I grow up...

For as long as I can remember I've felt like I didn't really know what I was supposed to do in life.  When I was in high school all my friends were making plans for college, they had dreams and goals.  Not me... My sister knew that she wanted to be a dental hygienist for as long as I can remember.

Graduation day came and I remember my mom telling me I had to get a job, go to college or move out.  So I went to college with no idea where I was going and quickly found out I was going no where.  I hated the classes and path I'd chosen.  Next I signed up for Beauty College, that lasted about 9 weeks and I realized it just wasn't for me.  I decided to try the job route...minimum wage, working at an electric/plumbing supply store as the counter girl wasn't my dream job.  It was an 8 hour day of sexual harassment.  Back to college I went.  I decided I'd get a AA in secretarial science.  I excelled in typing, 10-key, computers etc and quickly found a job when I got out of school.  I worked for CITGO Petroleum for 16 years until Y2K took my job away.  I can't say that being an Administrative Assistant was my dream job, but I loved my CITGO family and it was really hard to say good-bye.

From there I ended up as a Staffing Supervisor for a temp service, helping people find jobs.  This was something that I really enjoyed.  Helping people and when they were excited about the path their life was taking it made me so happy.  Not all of the job was sunshine and roses believe me.  There's a lot of babysitting involved.  Hunting the people down who didn't show up for work, firing the ones that just didn't work out, but it was all worth the few that would come back months later and tell me they were so happy and how much I'd changed their lives.  Sadly, due to reorganization of the company, my position was eliminated after 10 years.

With the job market at an all time low in September 2009, jobs were few and far between.  So with my families blessing, I opened my own business.  A yarn shop.  It was so much fun.  I loved teaching people how to knit, helping them with projects, seeing them start out with 2 needles and some yarn and end up with a beautiful sweater or pair of socks.  It seemed to fill a hole in me.  I had found my calling.  It was just helping people.  Whether it was helping them find a job or knit a sweater, the act of helping was what I craved.

That is why when the opportunity to work for Skinny Body Care was presented to me, I went in full blown, guns blazing.  Just sharing this product and what it has done for me and my friends has absolutely changed my life.  When a customer sends me a message telling me that they've never felt better, or they've lost 10 lbs this month.  It gives me that feeling that I've been looking for since I was a kid.  I want to help anyone that will listen to me.  If you're ready for some help, I'm here for you.  Send me a friend request on facebook and I'll answer any questions you have.  https://www.facebook.com/teresa.copelandharmon

I'd like to invite you to join my weight loss support group on facebook Healthy Choices & More.  This is a closed, private, FREE group that will welcome you with open arms.  You do NOT have to purchase Skinny Fiber to be a member of the group.  These are people who are trying to get healthy, that's it.  Some are Weight Watchers, some do low carb and yes some do take Skinny Fiber.  We all have struggles and it's great to bounce ideas off each other.  We all have victories to celebrate and we want to celebrate those with you!