Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Holiday Parties, Food and Stress, Oh my!

The holidays are upon us and with the holidays, we have parties, we have lots and lots of food and of course we have the stress.  Planning get-togethers, family coming into town, buying gifts, running out of time etc.  What does it mean?  To me it means not having enough time to plan for myself.  Healthy meals and workouts get put aside while everything else takes center stage. 

Well, that used to be my thoughts.  Until I found an amazing product called Skinny Fiber!  I talk about it all the time, I share it with everyone I meet, so if you've read my blog or follow me on facebook, you probably know about Skinny Fiber.  My question to you...

Is today the day to place your Skinny Fiber order?

Many of my friends and family tell me that they don't want to think about dieting during the holidays.  "There's so much good food. I want to be able to eat what I want without feeling guilty."   When I hear this, I immediately picture my uncle, after a big Thanksgiving meal, on the couch, pants unbuttoned, pretending to watch a football game, but so stuffed from a food overdose that he can't keep his eyes open.  Does that really sound like a good time?

Once I've scratched that visual away from my mind, this is my response...

Skinny Fiber is NOT a diet pill.  It is a weight loss supplement.  You don't deprive yourself.  You don't DIET!  You eat regular food.  You don't have to eat "special" food.  There's no need to make your family "their" food and turn around and make "your" food.  I do encourage everyone to make healthy choices for the entire family.  But that doesn't mean cutting out entire food groups from the meal plans.

Skinny Fiber is plant based, no caffeine and no stimulants.  Skinny Fiber will allow you to eat all the things you normally eat during the holidays, just less of it!    I tell everyone listen to your body.  Don't stuff yourself.  

One of the great things about Skinny Fiber is that it curbs your cravings for carbs and sweets.  Yes, I still eat desserts and I still eat carbs.   You do have to drink LOTS of water and take two capsules twice a day, every day.  You MUST be consistent!  But you don't have to give up everything you love about the holidays!  Last year I lost 4 pounds during the holidays using Skinny Fiber!  Did I eat holiday food?  YES!  Did I gorge myself?  NO!

Documented research tells us that people gain approximately 5-15 pounds during the holidays.  Why would you want to gain more weight knowing that your New Years Resolution will be to "go on a diet!"  Skip the diet resolution this year.  Get on board with Skinny Fiber, start losing weight now and still enjoy those holiday treats?  You will just want less of them.  

Choose today to make a change in your health and your life.  You don't have to wait until after the holidays. www.teresaharmon.sbc90.com