Monday, February 20, 2017

2017 is looking pretty good!

Wow, It's been a long time since I've posted on my blog.  I feel a little ashamed of myself.  Let's see...2016 was pretty much a waste of time in my pursuit of reaching my weight loss goals.  In fact, I spent the year dieting and ended up gaining about 15 pounds.  Up and Down, just like a yo-yo.  I couldn't seem to get my head right.

I slacked off taking my Skinny Fiber to the point of skipping several days in a row, to only look over and see the bottle staring at me and feeling guilty for not doing what I preach.  In September 2016, I decided to get serious, mainly because that stupid 15 pounds was trying to push it's way into the 16+ range.  I decided to start counting points and get back on my Skinny Fiber faithfully.  I figured if I started at the beginning of September, surely by the end of December that 15 pounds would be history, never to come back.  At the end of September I was doing pretty good.  I think I'd lost about 7 or 8 pounds.  October showed me still hovering around the 8 pound mark, even though I was counting every single point and doing what I was supposed to do, the scale just wouldn't budge.  November came and I bounced around a 1 to 2 pound loss and thought maybe something good was going to happen.  Then came Thanksgiving.  I was good, I stayed within my points, but that day became my downfall.  I noticed I was eating more processed junk and still staying within my points, but I wasn't eating real food.  Here we were into December and I was really struggling.  I felt like a complete failure and a fraud.  I got depressed, but on the outside no one would know it.  I kept that smile on my face all the time.  I was still taking my Skinny Fiber at lunch time and my breakfast and lunch time meals were pretty healthy.  I had a hard time remembering to take my evening Skinny Fiber (even with an alarm set to remind me)...I'd hear the alarm, shut it off and still forget to take it.  My problem was in the evening after dinner.  David goes to bed early around 8pm because he has to get up so early for work the next day.  So most of my evenings were alone with the TV or facebook.  I found myself snacking more and more and the snacks were usually filled with carbs or sugar.  The problem was I couldn't just eat one cookie.  One turned into two and two turned into five.

On January 18th I stepped on the scale and that 15 pounds was back.  I didn't know what to do.  I was searching online for new healthy recipes to try and came across Low Carb High Fat way of eating.  In the 2 years previous to 2016, I'd tried to keep carbs to a limit and along with Skinny Fiber I had been able to lose 65 pounds.  So I felt like I knew most of what the website was going to tell me.  But, I was actually pretty shocked when I read some of the articles, watched a video or two and looked at the recipes.  They weren't counting calories, they weren't keeping track of points, they were eating real food.  No processed carbs, no starchy veggies, no sugar, no fruit.  They had a video of a small fishing village in Canada, 80% of the population was overweight or obese. Almost everyone of them had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetic.  A doctor wanted to put this tiny town on a Low Carb High Fat food plan for one year and see how they did.  The results were shocking.  Every single person who participated lost weight, they all regulated their blood sugar.  They no longer craved the processed carbs and sugars.  But I still wasn't convinced that adding so much fat to your diet could help you lose weight.  The breakdown was 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.  That's A LOT of fat.  Fat in the form of heavy whipping cream, real butter, sour cream, avocados, coconut oil, mayo, cheese...Foods that taste good, foods that make recipes taste even better.  I can remember shrugging my shoulders, shaking my head and saying to myself...What the hell...give it a try.

On January 20th I began my LCHF journey.  Yes, I'm still taking the Skinny Fiber.  The recipes have been delicious.  David is super duper picky and he has even eaten several of the dishes I've prepared.  I just don't tell him that I've made any changes to them.  Like the lasagna I made last week.  It didn't have lasagna noodles layered throughout the casserole.  Instead they were special "fake noodles" that I prepared.  He had no clue and even had seconds.  The pizza was another one.  No wheat flour in the crust, instead it's made with mozzarella cheese, cream cheese and a little almond flour.  He ate it like we were at Mazzio's Pizza restaurant.  I still haven't convinced him to try any of the recipes containing cabbage though.

So today is my one month anniversary of eating this way.  I haven't "cheated" or felt deprived one single time.  Maybe, that's because the Skinny Fiber is designed to help curb cravings for sugars and carbs.  This morning I stepped on the scale and I was really really happy.  In 30 days...I'm down 13.6 pounds.  I can't believe it's been so easy.  Like I said, I don't know if it's because of Skinny Fiber, because of the way I'm eating or a combination of both.  I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.
I'll try not to be such a stranger and post more regularly.  Comment below if you'd like to try some of the recipes I've been making and I'll start posting them here. You can always find me on Facebook at also.

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