Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Holiday Parties, Food and Stress, Oh my!

The holidays are upon us and with the holidays, we have parties, we have lots and lots of food and of course we have the stress.  Planning get-togethers, family coming into town, buying gifts, running out of time etc.  What does it mean?  To me it means not having enough time to plan for myself.  Healthy meals and workouts get put aside while everything else takes center stage. 

Well, that used to be my thoughts.  Until I found an amazing product called Skinny Fiber!  I talk about it all the time, I share it with everyone I meet, so if you've read my blog or follow me on facebook, you probably know about Skinny Fiber.  My question to you...

Is today the day to place your Skinny Fiber order?

Many of my friends and family tell me that they don't want to think about dieting during the holidays.  "There's so much good food. I want to be able to eat what I want without feeling guilty."   When I hear this, I immediately picture my uncle, after a big Thanksgiving meal, on the couch, pants unbuttoned, pretending to watch a football game, but so stuffed from a food overdose that he can't keep his eyes open.  Does that really sound like a good time?

Once I've scratched that visual away from my mind, this is my response...

Skinny Fiber is NOT a diet pill.  It is a weight loss supplement.  You don't deprive yourself.  You don't DIET!  You eat regular food.  You don't have to eat "special" food.  There's no need to make your family "their" food and turn around and make "your" food.  I do encourage everyone to make healthy choices for the entire family.  But that doesn't mean cutting out entire food groups from the meal plans.

Skinny Fiber is plant based, no caffeine and no stimulants.  Skinny Fiber will allow you to eat all the things you normally eat during the holidays, just less of it!    I tell everyone listen to your body.  Don't stuff yourself.  

One of the great things about Skinny Fiber is that it curbs your cravings for carbs and sweets.  Yes, I still eat desserts and I still eat carbs.   You do have to drink LOTS of water and take two capsules twice a day, every day.  You MUST be consistent!  But you don't have to give up everything you love about the holidays!  Last year I lost 4 pounds during the holidays using Skinny Fiber!  Did I eat holiday food?  YES!  Did I gorge myself?  NO!

Documented research tells us that people gain approximately 5-15 pounds during the holidays.  Why would you want to gain more weight knowing that your New Years Resolution will be to "go on a diet!"  Skip the diet resolution this year.  Get on board with Skinny Fiber, start losing weight now and still enjoy those holiday treats?  You will just want less of them.  

Choose today to make a change in your health and your life.  You don't have to wait until after the holidays. www.teresaharmon.sbc90.com

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I did it, but I don't think I'll do it again!

I've had people tell me that once they've run a 5K it's addictive.  After the 5K, they train for a 10K, then a half marathon.  They run every event they can get to.

Well, I did it last weekend.  I ran with my sister and niece in the ZipperQ 5K.  It's a great charity to donate to.  A little boy in my town has FOP Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.  One of the rarest, most disabling genetic conditions known to medicine, it causes bone to form in muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues.  ZipperQ raises money for research for this horrible disease.  So for that reason alone, I'm glad that I participated.

I've been jogging since May and for the last month I've been jogging 3.1 + miles 3 to 5 times a week.  I felt confident and in pretty good shape.  When I jog in my neighborhood, I don't have to stop and walk or rest, I can jog the entire time and it usually takes me somewhere between 43 and 46 minutes to complete (I never said I was fast).  My problem was the anxiety of running with people.  I had all these thoughts going through my mind like.  "I'm the only one here who has never done this?"  "Am I wearing the right clothes?"  "There going to laugh at you!"  Wait, that one may have been from the Carrie movie, but you get what I'm talking about.   Basically, I was a nervous wreck.  I sat in my car in the parking lot waiting for my sister show up because I was too nervous to get out and walk around with all the other "runners"...

The announcer says "5 more minutes!"  Everyone starts getting in line.  We stayed towards the back, we thought we were just in front of the walkers.  The gun goes off and everyone takes off running.  It felt like I was in a stampede...everyone behind us was running.  I'm not talking a slow jog, it was an all out RUN.  We finally got out of the crowd at about the 1/2 mile mark and I couldn't breathe.  I literally had to stop and catch my breath.   By the time we'd gone 1 mile, there was already a 16 year old boy coming back.  He ran the 5K in 16 minutes.  My niece was long gone, so it was just my sis and and I and about a dozen or so walkers behind us.  It was so hot, the sun was boiling my brain.  I should have worn sunglasses but since I'm used to doing my jogging first thing in the morning before the sun is barely up I didn't think about sunglasses.  My mouth felt like I'd taken about 3 or 4 big Tbsps of coconut oil mixed with Elmer's Glue.   We jogged and walked.  I think we probably walked the last mile and then once we were at the home stretch and the finish line was in sight we started running.  My time was 52.34 seconds.  I wasn't last, but almost.  I think there were 2 people behind me.  It didn't feel like 3.1 miles.  It felt like it was never going to end.  

I was so glad when it was over.  I stumbled my way back to the car and drove home to strip out of my sweaty clothes and hit the shower.

Yes, I'm glad I did it.  No, I'll never do it again.  I prefer jogging in my neighborhood, round and round.  It wasn't addictive, I'm not Jonesing to do another one.  Next year, I'll probably sign up for the ZipperQ, pay my registration fee, get the T-shirt and stay home!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Are you there yet?

This is funny, well it made me laugh and then giggle to myself several times.  If you could see me right now I'm still giggling.

I had a friend send a text message to me last night.  She wanted to know if I enjoy exercise now.  She said, "you know how people say that they really enjoy exercise after they've done it for awhile. I was just wondering if you are there yet?"  HAHAHAHAHA, this is where the laughter began.  And this was my response.  "LOL, no not really, I only enjoy it when it's over."

I've been exercising, well jogging since the end of May.  That's a good solid 4 months.  They (not really sure who "they" are) but "they" say that it takes about 3 weeks to break a habit or 3 weeks to start new habits.  Has jogging become a habit?  I don't think so.  Do I jog because I like it?  NO, I do it because I want to get healthy.

I guess you could say that jogging and I have a love/hate relationship.  I love the idea of being an athlete, jogging out on the open road with the wind in my hair and a smile on my face, having this time to shed the stress from my body and just go with the flow and run all the worries away.  This is what I picture at night before I go to bed.  This is how I want to feel when I wake up in the morning.  Excited to exercise!   But that ain't the way it goes sister!  There's no wind, I wish there were, then maybe my hair wouldn't be matted to my face and scalp.  There's no smile, it's all I can do to breathe without hyperventilating.  The only stress is the 5K that's coming up this weekend.  Now with that being said.  I don't hate  jogging.  Once I get the first mile in, it's really pretty easy.  My head and I have to have several discussions about quitting and continuing until I hear the cue that I've gone 1 mile.  Then the head decides it's a losing battle and shuts up.

The thing that I love about jogging is when it's over!  hahaha, that's not exactly what I mean.  It's a feeling like I've never had before.  I've done something that not too many fat girls do.  I feel proud of myself and I like myself for jogging.  So, Am I there yet?  I don't know!

But I think when people say they love exercise, I don't think it's the physical act that they LOVE!  I truly believe it's the feeling they have about themselves after the exercising is over.

Last week I posted a video on facebook.  I usually talk about my jogs in my facebook support group Healthy Choices & More!!  But instead of typing, I decided to talk.  This was taken just minutes after jogging. 
I hope you enjoy the video.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Get out of my head

Sometimes it's really hard to get out of your head.  

I've been jogging for the last 4 months and I've worked my way up to 3 miles.  I do this 4 or 5 days a week.  My goal was to be able to jog a 5k.  Well, there is one coming up in a couple of weeks.  October 4th to be exact.  It's called ZipperQ, the K before the Q.  It's a great charity and I'd love to participate.   I've filled out the registration form 5 times and when it comes to actually submitting the form and making that small $35.00 payment, I always click the X and log out of the form.  Why do I do this?  

I'm scared... I start thinking about the trail, it's not what I'm used to.  I start thinking about all the people.  They are all probably really fit and have a great pace.  I start thinking about what all those people are thinking about me.  I start thinking about being the last one to cross the finish line and wondering if they are saying things like, "what is she doing?" "everyone else passed the finish line 15 minutes ago." "she's too fat to run."  In reality, they probably don't even care.  But, these are my fears.  
I've lost 45 lbs, I still have about 40 lbs to go, I feel good, but I still see that fat girl in the mirror and she won't go away.   

While I was out jogging this morning a song that I'd never heard before and didn't even know was on my playlist came on. I didn't have my glasses on, so I couldn't see the name of the song while it was playing. I've got to try and find it and listen to it again. This may become my new theme song.
"If you will say it, you’ll start to claim it. It’s amazing, if you can see it, you'll start to believe it. Don’t waste time thinking about the things that ain't right, all you have to do is make up your mind. And its Beautiful. You’re so beautiful. Can’t win if you don’t try, you're beautiful"
It was someone rapping and a girl singing along. I don't like rap music and like I said, never heard it before, don't know how it ended up on my phone, but I'm glad it did. It's a great message for everyone.

I'm tired of being scared that I can't do things.  I think submitting the form for the ZipperQ 5K (and showing up for the run) is something that I NEED to do.  I know I can jog 5k.  I know I'm not the fastest.  I know that if I do this, I'm sure it will help me lose 40 more lbs.  I know I will gain more confidence.  

I guess it's time to submit my registration form.

Anybody want to do this with me?  Here's the link www.zipperq.com

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What a difference a year makes

I was looking through some old photos and came across this picture.  That was taken several years ago.  As you can see, I wasn't very happy.  I'd just gotten laid off from a job of 10 years.  I was fat and miserable.  

I can't tell you have many times I tried to lose weight.  I tried Weight Watchers 3 different times, I'd lose a little, get frustrated that everyone else was losing weight every week and I wasn't.  I felt like I was always hungry, I felt deprived and I would give up, the weight would come back with friends.  Does that sound familiar?  I've also tried prescription diet pills, HCG and shots, Real Dose, Ace and Plexus.  I had finally come to the conclusion I was just going to be fat for the rest of my life.

One day I saw a testimony on facebook about a product call Skinny Fiber.  I checked it out and watched for several months until I decided what the heck.  I was very skeptic, I assumed this product was going to be the all the other products that still lined the shelves of my medicine cabinet.  They offered a money back guarantee, so I ordered it.

I've got to tell you, I wasn't expecting to see any results.  The first thing I noticed was I hadn't taken my acid reflux medication in a couple of days.  I was taking 2 prescription medications AND chewing tums all day long to get relief from the constant burning and reflux.  It has now been over a year and I haven't had acid reflux since.  I also suffered from IBS.  I couldn't eat anything without having to RUN to the bathroom within minutes of my last bite.  That's gone also.  

I waited to step on the scales until my 2nd week of Skinny Fiber.  I was shocked.  I'd lost 11 lbs and 16".  I lined my pictures up side by side and the difference was incredible.  

I want this to be the LAST weigh loss journey you'll ever have to take.  I'm not on a diet.  I don't feel deprived.  If I really want to eat some fries, I'll have some.  I just don't want the entire order anymore.  If I want chocolate cake, I'll eat some, but now all I need is 1 bite, not a chunk of cake.

When I first started taking Skinny Fiber I weighed 207 lbs.  It's been 12 months and I've lost 46 lbs and almost 90".  During the first 9 months I didn't change anything except I quit drinking all carbonated drinks.  No more diet pop!  Now I drink plain water 99% of the time.  Every once in awhile I might have an iced tea if I'm out with the girls.  But water is now my drink of choice.  

My weight loss was a fast as some of my team members.  I've had a hysterectomy, my gall bladder has been removed and I absolutely HATED exercise with a passion.  But, like I said the first 9 months nothing changed.  In June a friend told me about a 5k training app she was doing call ZombiesRun.  Hey, I like zombie movies and thought it might be fun, so I downloaded it.  It contained walk/run drills and I was actually enjoying them.  Hmmm...I was actually exercising without throwing  fit.  Now I'm running 3 miles 5 days a week.  Crazy itsn't it!

I could go on and on and on about the benefits that Skinny Fiber has made to my life.  It has totally changed.  In the picture on the left.  That's a 2XL top and the jeans are a 18.  Now, I'm wearing medium/large tops and my jeans are a 10.  I was even able to get into my incentive pants which are a size 8.  Still a little too tight for public viewing, but with Skinny Fiber and motivation I'll get there.

Place your order today for Skinny Fiber www.imsbc4life.com

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Running in the Rain

Sugar and spice and everything nice...yep, that's me.  I can't get wet or I'll melt.  If it's raining outside, I'm inside.  In a way I always envied the pictures of people dancing in the rain, playing in the rain, kissing in the rain.  But, I'm not a wet and wild kinda girl.

As most of you know, I'm trying to get my stamina back up from being sick a week or so ago.  Mostly walking, and started with trying to jog 1/2 mile without stopping and working my way back up to where I was before getting sick.  Saturday, I was able to jog 6/10 of a mile.  Sunday is my day of rest.  Monday, it was raining.  I really was bummed, but my sister had said something to me the week before.  "sprinkles, won't hurt you."  Those 4 words were banging around inside my head.  I kept thinking "I know, but I can't get wet."  Then I swear someone beside me said. "why not?"  My answer...I don't know why.  I headed out the door.  I stepped out from under the carport, it was windy and almost cold.  Giving up on my glasses within the first few feet, because I didn't get the special lenses that are water resistant.  I placed them on top of my head.   The little rain drops weren't cute like you see in the pictures.  Little girls laughing and jumping in the rain.  Nope, they felt like stinging needles and it seemed like they were completely focused on my eyes.  I wanted to just close my eyes, but I had to see where I was going, so I decided to just jog with only one eye open.  I really wanted to go back in the house, I was completely out of my comfort zone.  The wind or maybe it was really called a nor'easter was blowing against me, making this jog a real struggle.  Talk about resistance.  I don't know how strong the wind was but it might as well have been 60-70 mph winds. At least that's what it felt like.

Finally, I made it to my turnaround point and with the wind and stinging needles tattooing the back of my neck I headed home.  

I will admit that it wasn't really as bad as it sounds.  I didn't melt.  It was actually nice minus the invisible tattoo.  Plus I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was able to jog 7/10 of a mile.  I was on track to reach my 1.1 mile distance by Friday.  Dark Skies won't cloud my day.

Then I woke up this morning to another storm... I got this!  Got dressed and headed out the door with my fitbit ready to go.  As soon as I headed down the driveway a huge clap of thunder scared the crap out of me.  I went back inside.  I had conquered jogging in the rain, but this girl doesn't like thunder and lightening.  I jogged up and down the hallway and around the living room.  I can do this outside, stay close to the house in case I see lightening bolts.  I'll just run around the circular driveway.  After a few laps, and no more thunder, I headed down the road, ran up and down the neighbors driveways, but just stayed closed to the house. Eventually, the song in my ears and the steady rhythm of my feet hitting the pavement took over, I got a little to adventurous and went the other direction.  Suddenly, BAM!  Right beside me, I felt the ground shake and I almost peed my pants.  Thunder makes you run faster.  I hurried straight to the house, my dog was barking at me like I was an idiot for being outside in the first place.  Whew, inside, safe and sound.

I checked my fitbit and I didn't know whether to be excited or disappointed.  I jogged, without stopping, without walking .96 of a mile.  So freakin close to 1 mile.  I was elated because I passed my goal for the day of 8/10.  But dang the weather.  If I would have gone down just 1 more neighbors driveway and back I would have made a full mile.

Oh well, I'm not going to dwell on the what could have been, instead I'm going to roll around in the glory of oh my gosh I beat, no crushed my goal for today!!!

In fact I think I'm going to go out and jump in a few puddles and play in the rain.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy Skinnyversary!!!

Happy Tuesday - 8/26/2014

Today is my Skinnyversary!  1 year ago today I started taking Skinny Fiber.  As of today, I'm down 44 lbs and 82".  I can't believe I've been consistent and committed to a healthy lifestyle for 1 entire year straight.  WOW!  Year 2 begins today and I'm going to stay just as consistent and even more committed if that's even possible.

Not only has Skinny Fiber helped me lose weight, but I feel so good.  I have an energy that I don't think I've ever had, even when I was a kid.  But it's not a tweeking out, jittery, heart racing kind of energy.  I wake up in the morning and I'm ready for the day.  When it's time to go to sleep, I get in bed and read for a few minutes and I'm out like a light and sleep all night long.  No more tossing and turning, no more waking up and staring into the dark.  No more waking up and feeling like I need a nap.

Another thing Skinny Fiber has done for me; no more aching joints.  My hips, knees and ankles were killing me, my lower back hurt all the time.  I don't hurt anymore and this has given me the courage to believe that I could exercise.  In the past, I always used my knees and hips as an excuse for not exercising.  But now, I'm jogging.  As you know, I had a little set back last week in my jogging routine, but I'm not quitting.  I got up this morning and walked to get body muscles warmed up and then I jogged for 1/2 mile and walked to cool down.  I WILL work back up to where I was and continue from there.

Also, no more meds for me.  No acid reflux (I haven't had heart burn, indigestion or acid reflux for 1 whole year).  No more problems with my esophagus, no more IBS.

Not everyone has the same experience that I've had, but many have had even better results.  There are people who were on their death beds and are now healthy and medicine free.  Some people lose weight immediately and others don't see any changes for 3 to 6 months.  It just depends on your health, your body and how committed you are to succeed.

Skinny Fiber is not a magic pill.  The magic is in you!

I am committed to helping as many people get healthy as I can.  If you are interested in trying Skinny Fiber, check out my website.  www.imsbc4life.com

Maybe you don't need to lose weight, but you know someone who does.  Share this with them, it could change their life.  It's totally changed mine.

If you are looking for a financial opportunity, take just 5 minutes and watch this video.  www.teresaharmon.sbcpower.com

I plan on having my daughter take a new picture of me for my 1 year anniversary.  I'll post it as soon as I get it!

Now on to another year of healthy living!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

It's Okay

So you're losing weight, feeling great, exercising everyday and then you get sick.  Nothing serious, just a little upper respiratory bug, but it's enough to make you feel like crap.  When you feel like crap, you start eating crap, you don't have the energy to cut up veggies and stand in the kitchen making the healthy foods you know you should be eating.  Instead you shuffle through the kids snack drawer and eat some cookies, or fruit snacks because you just don't have the gumption to eat but you know you need something, so you make due.

You aren't doing your daily exercise routine because you can barely breath sitting still.  You hope you feel better tomorrow.  You tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow.  Today you just don't feel good.

Well, this is me.  I've been puney for the last 8 days.  I've been eating junk all week.  I'm not getting enough calories and the calories I am getting are not good calories.  I finally got out this morning and walked, but I didn't even make it 1/2 mile before I was turning around and coming home because I just can't catch my breath.

What does this sound like?  To me, it sounds like excuses.  I have fought that voice in my head for a long time, that voice that tells me I can't do it or I don't need to do it because....

I've been the person who has been the inspiration and motivation for so many, but I can't seem to motivate myself right now and it scares me.

I keep telling myself as soon as this bug is gone, I'll get right back out there and work my way back up to jogging 2 miles a day.  I was in the process of working myself up to a 5k when my son drug this bug home and spread it all through the house.  What is so scary is that I'm afraid I'll have another excuse and then another.  That voice in my head is back and it's trying to take over again.

I've spent most of the day reading motivational quotes, posts from my team mates and other feel good stuff. I talked with a friend who actually in a round about way gave me permission to feel sick.  It was what I needed.  She assured me that I'm not a quitter.  So I've repeated that to myself all day long.

I will get my mojo back.  Sometimes you get thrown a curve ball.  My curve ball was this bug.  I might be down right now, but I'm not completely out of the game.  I know what I need to do, but I also know that if I'm going to be any good to myself, I have to give myself time to get well.  There's no sense in pushing myself into pneumonia.

It's going to be okay.  I don't have to be afraid or scared because I know it's going to be okay.  It just may take a few more days.  I'm not going to beat myself up.  It's okay to take a couple of sick days.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Dirty Feet

I want to talk about motivation today.  My cousin asked me last night "What can I do to get/stay motivated?"  hmmm...that's a hard question to answer.  Everyone is different so there are many many answers.  Finding the answer that fits you is the solution.

Motivation comes and goes, it's like day and night.  I'm not motivated every single minute of every single day.  What helps me is setting goals.  If you try to set too many goals at one time you won't succeed.  Focus on one goal.  When you get too many things going on in your mind or your life something has to take the back burner and I guarantee, you will set one or two maybe even three of those goals off to the side.

When I started this journey towards a healthier lifestyle, I started with baby steps.  I started taking Skinny Fiber and truthfully, my goal at the time was to just take the Skinny Fiber as recommended and consistently for 30 days.  Two capsules, two times a day for 30 days.  That was a pretty easy goal to complete because I realized how much better I felt during that month.

During the first 10 months of my journey I didn't exercise at all.  I set a new goal.  I wanted to be able to run a 5k.  I set a date to start.  I pumped myself up by talking about it with other people.  I got excited for the my start date to arrive.  I bought myself some cute new clothes to wear during my training sessions.  The day finally arrived and I woke up with a feeling that I can't even explain.  I was nervous, scared, afraid I'd fail, but at the same time excited, happy and raring to go.  I had to tell the negative feelings to go away and make room for the positive.

About 4 weeks into my 5k training, we took a vacation.  It was only a 3 day weekend with the grandkids, but something happened.  My motivation just wasn't there.  I used to jump out of bed in the morning and hit the pavement and now that little voice (LV) in my head was telling me just stay in bed, your feet are going to hurt, maybe a headache is coming on, you stayed up too late, you're still sleepy, etc.  There were a few days that I let LV win.  But, I felt horrible and guilty. It made me feel like LV was wiping her dirty feet off in my head.  All this ugly, negative junk was starting to expand into places other than getting out of bed to train.   I could hear her saying other things like mmm...a diet dr. pepper sure would taste good.  That's when I knew then that if I was going to succeed I would have to squash LV for good. (By the way, I didn't drink that diet dr. pepper.) The best way was to just tell her to SHUT UP!  I had to quit listening and talk to myself out loud, eventually I was able to drown out the noises that LV put in my head.  Now, I'm not saying LV is gone for good.  She still shows up occasionally and I have to put her back in her place.  I'm very happy to say that this morning I hit an all time high of 1.66 miles without stopping.  YEAH ME!  I know it's not a 5k yet, but I'm getting there.

I realize that it's much easier for me to stay motivated because I've put myself out there in the world.  I'm on facebook public to the world.  I talk about what I'm doing.  I've got a healthy weight loss support group.  I'm supporting these people on their journey so I have to be there for them.  That keeps me motivated.  I write this blog even though there aren't many people reading it right now, it's available for anyone in the world to see.  My family, my friends, they keep me going.  You have to have a support group, you have to make a public announcement.  It's too easy to quit, if no one knows what you're doing.  Write it on the bathroom mirror, stick post-it notes on the fridge and your computer monitor.  Make a big sign for your office.  It might only say EXERCISE 5 MINUTES DAILY.  But, it will be out there and you won't want everyone to see you fail.  Anyone can exercise for 5 minutes a day.  Walk in place for 5 minutes, do a couple of push ups and squats.  You don't have to change into your "workout gear".  Do it in your office.  Once you've completed this goal for 1 week, add a few more minute.  Change all the signs to EXERCISE 7 MINUTES DAILY.   What's 2 more minutes?  You can do it!  Before you know it that sign will read EXERCISE 20 MINUTES DAILY and you'll have all your co-workers wanting to join you.  That's what it takes.

Another thing is reading, reading magazine articles about your goals, reading blogs, read anything that relates to you.  This will keep you excited, this will keep you motivated.

Just remember, don't let anyone, especially LV wipe their dirty feet on you.  If it's not positive, get it out of your mind.

I'm always here for anyone who needs to talk, cry or scream.  If you want to follow me on facebook, my link is www.facebook.com/teresa.copelandharmon

If you want to join my weight loss support group on facebook, the link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthy.choices.WLS/

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Grocery Shopping for Healthy Menus

Do you go into the grocery store and get exactly what's on your list?  Do you take a list or do you wander aimlessly up and down the aisles adding this and that to your cart? If you're like me you make out a list and then leave it on the kitchen counter and play the game "try to remember what was on the list."  I used to go row by row and always ended up with a cart full of cheap, processed food.  Quick, frozen heat and eats, ice cream and chips were a staple in our house.   I searched for the quick, throw it in a skillet box meal that would taste halfway decent and the kids would eat.  What I didn't realize was I was poisoning my family.  Processed foods aren't real food, they are chemicals, artificial colors and artificial flavors.

We have become so dependent on fast foods and processed food because we are all so busy.  Americans are dying from obesity and no one seems to care.  We need to get back to eating real food.

Now, on my weekly trips to the grocery store, I have a routine (even if I do forget my list).  I don't go up and down the aisle anymore.  I stick to the outer sections of the store.  Fresh fruit and produce, meats, chicken, fish, and dairy.  This is where the majority of our food comes from.  Occasionally, I'll go down some of the aisles for things like olive and coconut oil, spices, and other baking items.  I've quit buying bread because we've cut down on eating a lot of processed carbs and I end up throwing out 3/4 of a loaf for the birds.

I'm going to challenge you to try shopping this way for 1 week.  Look up some real food recipes, make your list and try not to leave it on the kitchen counter and shop the outer areas of your grocery store.  Try to stay out of the aisles.  Let me know how you feel after eating real food, fresh food for one week.  I dare you!

11 Months and Going Strong

I was going to wait until next month to take my 1 year picture, but I've been feeling so good about myself I went ahead and had my daughter take my picture today. 

So here we are, the first pic was taken 8/26/13, after pic was taken today 7/31/14.

When I found Skinny Fiber, I weighed 207 lbs at 5 foot tall that's just way to much weight to be carrying. I was miserable. I couldn't breath good, I was waking myself up in the middle of the night gasping for a breath. I had acid reflux so bad that I was taking prescription meds twice a day and still chewing tums and rolaids all day long. I had esophagitus and was worried that I was going to have to have surgery to dilate my esophagus. I had IBS and diverticulitis attacks all the time. I had high blood pressure, my hips, knees and ankles hurt all the time. I was exhausted when I woke up in the morning and falling asleep in my chair after dinner.

I started seeing the Skinny Fiber ads here on Facebook in May of 2013 and read about it, saw the before and after testimonials and really didn't believe it. I figured it was a scam, just like all the other products I'd tried over the years. Yes, I tried them all. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystems, Diet Center, HCG, Phen-Phen, Plexus, Ace, even shots. Nothing worked for me. I joined a weight loss group and continued to watch and read about Skinny Fiber. On August 19, I placed my order. I figured if it didn't work, I could at least send it back within 30 days and get my money back.

My SF arrived and by day 3 I realized I hadn't refilled my prescription for my acid reflux meds. By the 2nd week I was sleeping all night, no more tossing and turning and waking myself up gasping for air. It's now been 11 months. I've lost 41 lbs and 80" overall. I've gone from a 2XL top to a large and a super tight (can't button the button) size 18 jeans to a size 10.

I didn't change my diet and I didn't exercise for the first 10 months. All I did was take 2 Skinny Fiber capsules 2 times a day before lunch and dinner and I stopped drinking diet pop. I only drink water, approx 80-100 oz per day. Now, I'm feeling good about myself and I want to make healthier choices. I'm eating better and I've started jogging. I'll be 51 years old in 2 weeks and I'm jogging 1.5 miles at least 4 times a week. 

My niece is getting married in October and I would love to be down another 15 lbs by the wedding.

Don't wait and procrastinate like I did.  It's funny how we will research a diet supplement for months and months, but we think nothing about eating a bag of processed chips, drinking alcohol, eating fast food several times a week, but an all natural 100% stimulant free product, we don't trust.  It is so safe, that some of our customers have had their doctors okay the use of Skinny Fiber while pregnant and nursing.

If you are interested in getting your life back, feeling better and losing some weight, check out my website at www.teresaharmon.sbc90daychallenge.com

Take the 90 day challenge, if you order the buy 2 get 1 free or buy 3 get 3 free you will have a 90 money back empty bottle guarantee.

Monday, July 21, 2014

It's a LIAR!

Wow, it's almost been a month since my last post.  I've sat here many times over the last few weeks trying to come up with something interested to write about.  I'd start and then decide it was stupid or not interesting and delete it.

My cousin sent me a text last night and asked how I was doing because I hadn't been posting anything.  So I decided to just tell you how I'm doing.

As you know I've been doing a 5k training.  I don't have a specific 5k run in mind that I'm training for, I've just always wanted to know that I could run a 5k.  I was using the Zombie 5k training app on my phone, but it just kept having glitches.  Like miscalculating the distance and time, not showing completed workout, etc.  I deleted the app and re-installed it, but it must just be buggy.  So I loaded my playlist with lots of my favorite songs and just decided to do my own thing.

The Zombie app, always started with a 5 or 10 minute walk, then walk run drills and then a free form run. (run or walk as you wish).  With my routine, I'm walking 5 minutes to warm up.  Then I jog for 1 mile, then walk/jog back home.  I'm increasing my jogging time by a tenth of a mile each week.  So right now I'm jogging 1.3 miles per day.  I like going out first thing in the morning around 6am.  It's daylight, but the sun hasn't really started putting out heat, it's still a little foggy/misty from the dew and it's a great way to get the day going.  In fact I think it's my favorite time of the day.

Something else I want to tell you... I'm 5 days away from being on Skinny Fiber for 11 months.  7 weeks ago when I started working out, I had lost 40 lbs and 70".  Last week at the 6 week mark, I decided to measure and weigh myself.  (I hadn't weighed since I started jogging)  I have to tell you I was very disappointed in the scale.  I had only lost 1 lb in 6 weeks.  I wanted to stomp the glass out of the scale.  It had to be wrong, I've been working so hard and making better choices and doing everything right.  It was like a slap in the face.  I didn't even want to check my measurements, because I didn't want to get slapped again. But, I got out the tape measure and I was surprised when I realized I'd lost 9.5 more inches overall.  That was when I decided the scale is a liar.  The scale weighs your entire body, bones, fat, muscle, water, everything.  It doesn't tell you how much fat you've lost.  It doesn't tell you that your clothes are fitting better.  It doesn't tell you that your organs and brain are getting healthier.  It just weighs your body.  I made a decision,  I'm going to let my health and my clothing tell me how I'm doing.  I've still got a long road to travel before I'm where I want to be and when I get there, I'll step back on the scale and see what it says.  Even if the number isn't what I think it should be, I'll know it's the number that I am.

Look for the non-scale victories in your life.  Did that pair of jeans slip up just a little bit easier than the last time you wore them?  Did you choose the fruit plate for dessert instead of the cheesecake?  Did you jog that mile a little faster than the last time?  These are all victories and we should be elated over every single one of them.  The old Teresa would have thrown in the towel with a 1 lb weight loss after 6 weeks of hard work.  She would have given up 10 1/2 months and 41 lbs and gone right back to the old sedentary lifestyle, eating a bag of chips late at night watching a scary movie.  She would have gained that 41 lbs back in the blink of an eye.  The new Teresa, isn't giving up.  I've learned so much in the past 10 1/2 months.  1 lb doesn't sound like much but it's a freaking pound! 4 sticks of butter, a roll of hamburger, hold those up to your stomach and see how much space they take up.  Nope, I'm not defeated!  I'm just getting started!

Friday, June 27, 2014

One step at a time...

Today was the day...I got myself a membership at our local rec center.  My son-in-law, Brennan is my new trainer.

As you all know, I've been doing a 5k training program for the last month.  I don't have a specific 5k event that I'm training for, I just wanted to do it for myself.  I'm 50 years old (51 in August) and I've decided it's time to get healthy.  I'm losing weight slowly and I've noticed that now that the fat is disappearing, I'm kind of saggy.  Especially my arms and tummy.

A few days ago, I made the decision...I called Brennan and asked him if he'd help me.  (He practically lives in the gym).  He agreed to be my trainer.

I met him up at the rec center today and signed up, got my picture taken.  Thank God they didn't let me see if because I'm sure I looked crazy.  I didn't know if I was suppose to look at the camera or above it or where.  My hair was piled on top of my head and I had no makeup on.  Very pretty.  But since I didn't see it, I don't have to be embarrassed.  Hopefully, tomorrow when I walk in, the girls at the desk don't point and laugh at me.  Then I'll know they've been sharing the crazy lady picture around.

Okay, back to my workout...  We started out with a warm up, fast walking 3 laps around the track.  Then we hit the weight room.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  He asked me what I wanted to start with and I figured arms would be a good way to ease into the weight lifting world.  I'm not quite sure what I was thinking.

We started with 3lb free weights.  I told him I didn't want to get big muscles, just tone my arms and get rid of the bat wings that flap when I wave.

The 3 lbs weights were too light so we moved up to 5 lbs.  He showed me how to stand and what the correct form is for each exercise we did.  I tell you what.  By the 3rd round of reps my triceps were on fire.  (Did you like the way I actually used the correct name for the muscle we were working).

Then we went over to this contraption that had pulleys and weights and these bar handle things.  I don't know how many different muscles in my arms that he tortured, but about an hour into our workout, I was sweating like a pig and I thought I was going to puke.  Seriously, I thought I was on the Biggest Loser show.  I was actually looking around for a bucket or trash can because I thought I was going to hurl right there in front of everyone.  I stood in front of a big fan for a few minutes and cooled off and gained my composure and went back for more torture.  Luckily, we were almost finished at that point.

Then we went back upstairs to the track and cooled down for 3 more laps.

I walked out of there and had to sit in the car for a few minutes because I didn't think my arms could hold the steering wheel.  I had to shake out the arms and wiggle my fingers to get the blood flowing again.  And I thought arms would be the easiest to start with.  Ha...

Tomorrow, I go back...I told him I wanted to work on my stomach muscles.  I may need a wheel chair when I get finished tomorrow.

The main thing is that I'm doing it!  Even if it kills me, I'm going to get healthy and get in shape.  It's hard for the short fat girl to even walk into a gym full of pretty people with their rock hard abs and perfectly cut arms and legs.  But I'm going to do it.  I won't quit.  I whine and complain...that's my coping mechanism.  Even though it sounds like I'm hating it, I'm really loving it and I'm so proud of myself.

I hope that I can inspire you to go for a walk, or maybe try some yoga, join your local rec center or gym and get healthy with me.  If I can do it, so can you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Because I'm Happy!

Who doesn't love the minions?

This is one of my favorite songs.  There's no way you can listen to it and not smile, tap your foot or just get up and dance!

All my life, everyone has thought that I was always so happy.  But, in reality it was a mask.  A big fake smile always plastered on my face.  I just felt like I never fit in anywhere.

In school, I had a few friends, I did have my bff and we did everything together.  We even went to the prom together because neither one of us got asked  by one of the boys.  Why, I'm not sure.  We just didn't fit in with any of the in crowds, wait, we didn't fit in with ANY of the crowds.  We came from a tiny elementary school that went to the 8th grade.  There were a handful of us and we had to decide whether to go to Claremore High School or Inola High School.  I lived about 5 miles from Claremore, and 15 miles from Inola.  The entire 8th grade graduating class were all going to Inola High School.  So I followed them.  Most of them already had friends at Inola school, except my bff and I.

At church, I didn't fit in at all.  Do you have any idea what it's like to be the ONLY kid in your age group?  Everyone was either 3 years younger or 3 years older than me.  I didn't have a Sunday School classroom.  I had to either go into the younger class or the older class.  When you're 12 or 13 years old, you don't have much in common with 9 year olds (even though my sister was in that class) and the 16 year olds don't want anything to do with you.  Even after I turned 18, the church didn't have any classes or groups for young people.  So I had to go into the class with my parents.  Talk about not fitting in, I was in a room with old people, like 40!  lol, now that seems funny as I'm typing it.

When I was 16, I found music.  I loved playing the guitar and singing.  But, my passion was bluegrass music.  Once again...kinda feeling like the outsider.  But I think I was truly the happiest I'd ever been.

Then came dating, marriage, kids...yes I was happy about it all, but I really wasn't happy about me.  I don't think I liked myself much during those years.

I was really happy when I found myself without a job and my family supported me in opening my own yarn shop.  Knitting and designing had become a huge passion in my life.  I really enjoyed every minute of knitting a pair of socks, or a sweater.  Yes, even when I'd mess something up and have to take out upteen gillion rows.  But I still wasn't happy with me.

I can say that my weight problem exploded after several surgeries, hormones, metabolism, yada yada, but I think the real root of the problem was I wasn't happy with me.  Not being happy with myself, even after losing some weight, it was easy to gain it back because eating was comforting.  I'm not an overeater, I'm a stupid eater.  I would always have healthier choices for snacking available, but I wouldn't want the healthy stuff.  I would rather eat a row of Oreos, or a bowl of chips and salsa.  Eating out with my friends made me feel happy.  But it wasn't true happiness.

It has only been in the last 9 months or so that I've started being happy with myself.  I really like myself.  I like hanging out with myself, working out with myself.  I don't have to fit in with the "in crowd" or have lots of friends to keep me occupied to be happy.

I just had to look in the mirror and see ME, not who I thought everyone wanted me to be.  That mask I'd been wearing for so many years had finally fallen away and there I was.  Just me, nothing fancy, curly hair, no make up ME!

So, look in the mirror and find yourself.  You might have to look for a long time, but you'll be able to see the happy you shining through.

Clap along if you're happy!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Setting Goals

How many times have you set a goal for yourself and actually succeeded in reaching that goal?  Me, not very many.  Sure if it was a goal, like a deadline for work, well, yeah, I always hit those goals.  But a personal goal that was just mine, for me.  Once!  Way back in my 20's after having my son.  I lost 40 lbs.  I was fortunate to maintain that weight loss until I had to have my gall bladder removed and then a hysterectomy.  The weight piled on and then some more followed.

Every year, I've set goals for myself.  Like, I'm going to lose 70 lbs in 6 months.  Did it happened? hahahaha, nope!  I probably didn't lose 7 lbs in 6 months.  I can remember with every new diet, I would keep it a secret.  That way if I didn't succeed, no one would know that I'd even set a goal for myself.  I wouldn't be embarrassed by not being able to do it right.

When we set goals for ourselves we need to make sure they are realistic goals.  Can they actually be achieved.  Now this doesn't mean to set a goal like losing 7 lbs in 6 months.  That's not really a goal, that's a colon cleanse.  lol...sorry for that.

The goal that I set for myself when I started taking Skinny Fiber in August 2013 was to get healthy.  I didn't give myself a time limit.  I knew starting out at 207 lbs I wasn't going to be able to lose it fast.  Yes, the first 20 lbs came off pretty quickly, but the last 20 has been a very slow process.  But I'm definitely getting closer to my goal.

It's very important to be held accountable to something or someone.  When I started this journey, I told everyone and I mean EVERYONE!!!  I basically shouted it on facebook to anyone who would listen.  When you are trying to reach a big goal, you need help.  Tell your friends, especially the skinny ones.  If they are really your friends they will want to help you reach your goal just as much as you want to reach it.  Tell them what you are doing, what and how you are eating.  If they know you're serious they will be more aware of possible temptations and less likely to flaunt their ice cream cones in your face.

Losing weight and getting healthy is a big task to take on and it will take me a long time to reach.  So, I set little goals for myself.  Not necessarily weight related, because I don't like the scale so I avoid it most of the time.

As you know, if you've been reading my posts either here or on facebook at Teresa Harmon then you already know that I'm committed to training for a 5k.  I've always wanted to say I could do it.  I've tried a couple of times in the past few years to do couch to 5k and just couldn't stick with it.  Well, yesterday, I posted in my closed group at Healthy Choices & More!! that Monday (today) would be Week 3 Workout 1 in my Zombies 5k Training.  My goal was to move faster, and go farther than I'd been doing.  Week 1 and 2 my average speed was 3.5 ish mph and I was doing about 1.8, 1.9 miles during the workout time on the app.

I got my running shoes and my phone, and took off.  This workout was harder than the last 2 weeks because instead of the 10 minute warm up walk, I only had a 5 minute warm up and then 5 minutes of free form running.  Then it went into the walk/run drills.  In previous workouts it was walk a minute, run 15 sec (week 1) and run 30 sec (week 2) this walk run drill was run 1 minute, walk 1 minute and 10 knee lifts.  OMG, there's a huge difference in running 30 seconds and 1 minute.  I know its only 30 more seconds, but my lungs are still burning and it's been over an hour and I've had a shower since I finished my workout.  After the walk/run drills they had 2 - 8 minute free form runs.  I will admit that the first 4 minutes of the 1st free form run was totally walking.  After completing 2 complete trips around the neighborhood I was lucky enough that the app completed at the end of my driveway.  I drug myself up to the house and decided to take a pic of myself so you could actually see that I'm doing it.  If I could listen to the app and video my workout at the same time I would, I tried it, but it won't work.

I was so surprised to see my stats.  2.27 miles at a pace of 5.89 mph... I did it!!!! I succeeded in reaching my goal!

I swear the last time I actually ran enough to be winded and sucking air, with sweat dripping down my back and between my boobs was in high school when the coach would make us run laps in the gym.  I remember dreading spring because it was time for field and track season and I was horrible at it all.  No coordination.  I couldn't run fast or I'd die, I couldn't jump high or long.  So, for me to be 50 years old and able to actually walk/run/jog for 2.27 miles is a HUGE accomplishment!

Set your goals realistically, set small goals that you can attain with a little push.  Don't make them so easy, then it's not really a goal.  Be proud that you've succeeded. Tell your friends and family that you are setting goals and that you might need their help.  Reward yourself when you reach a goal.

My reward is going to be some new workout clothes!

If you want to join me on my quest to run a 5k, register at www.zombiesrungame.com and follow me, my username is teresaharmon.

This is after completing today's workout!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Days Fly By!

Can you believe it's already June?  It seems like just yesterday that we had snow and ice every where.  The days just move by way to fast.  In the blink of an eye, summer will be gone and winter will be here again.  (for those of you not from Oklahoma, we only have 2 seasons here, that's why I skipped the mentioning of autumn.  We only have an autumn season for about 2 days.) lol

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the days are going to pass us no matter what.  I hear so many people say, it will take me forever to lose this much weight.  The first thing I think of when I hear this complaint is, the days are going by anyway so you might as well start today.  A year is a year, forever is forever.  But just think, if you don't start today, where will you be a year from now?  Probably the same place you are right now.

You are probably reading this right now because you've heard that little voice in the back of your head telling you it would be a good idea to lose a few pounds before you shimmy into that bathing suit in a few weeks. We all do this, we get all gung ho on a project, whether it's losing a few pounds or starting a new hobby or redecorating a room, it doesn't matter what it is...we go in full force and then in a few days after the new has worn off, we go right back to our same old ways.

I've gone on so many diets over the last 20+ years, I can't even count them all.  I'd lose weight, then plateau and then I'd give up.  I became tangled up in the strings of the yo-yo and couldn't get untangled.  I felt like a complete failure.

In all honesty, this is the first time I've stuck with a plan.  I won't even call it a diet, because I'm not dieting.  I'm living.  Skinny Fiber has given me my life back.  It has taken away all the cravings for carbs and sugary treats.  I'm not going to lie, I do indulge sometimes.  I made myself a scoop of ice cream with a little hot fudge for dessert tonight.  But guess what, I didn't even eat it all.  Just a bite and I was satisfied.  In the past I would have eaten a big cereal bowl full of ice cream and then a little later I would have wanted something salty and I would grab a bag of chips.

I don't have to count calories, or points.  I don't have to measure everything I eat.  I eat the foods that I like.  I love fruits and veggies now, in fact that's usually what I go for if I want a snack.

So don't let the days just pass you by.  Do something about it!  If you are interested in learning more about Skinny Fiber and it's ingredients and how it works, click this link and watch the 5 minute video.  www.teresaharmon.sbcspecial.com  Skinny Fiber will change you life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Santa Fe Chicken Casserole

Santa Fe Chicken Casserole

I was trying to figure out what to fix for dinner and this is what I came up with!

After searching through the freezer and refrigerator, I couldn't find anything that just jumped out and said "Cook me!"  Which in it's own right is funny, because I just went to the grocery store on Friday.  Oh well.

I grabbed a package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs.  The package was approximately 3.5 lbs so I just took out half and put the rest in the freezer for later.

I put a little EVOO in a skillet and placed the thighs in the pan to sear them on both sides for just a minute or two.  Then I added a can of low sodium chicken broth, 1/2 can of water, some diced onion, black pepper and garlic powder and brought it to a boil.  Now turn the stove down to very low and let it simmer for an hour or so.  You want the chicken to fall apart.

It smells so good!
After the chicken has cooked to perfection, get out your casserole dish, this is the best part, you don't have to dirty up a bunch of bowls.  Spray your dish with a little baking spray.

I used some rubber tipped tongs to remove the chicken from the skillet and it just shredded as I picked it up.  Save a cup of the cooking broth for later.  Place the chicken in the casserole dish and if you need to shred it more, go in with 2 forks and rip it up.

You want it to have a little bit of umpfff.  Don't go crazy with the shredding.
Now add the corn, rotel, cream of mushroom soup, 1/2 c milk, stuffing mix and cooking broth to the chicken and mix it together.  If the stuffing mix still seems too dry, add a little more cooking broth.

Bake for 25-30 minutes on 350°  Add the shredded cheese to the top and bake for 5 more minutes, until cheese has melted.


Santa Fe Chicken

1.5 lbs of chicken thighs
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 can low sodium chicken broth
1/2 medium diced onion
Black pepper to taste
Garlic powder to taste
1/2 can water
1 can whole corn (drained)
1 can Ro-tel (drained)
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
1/2 c milk
1 cup cooking broth (reserved from skillet)
1 pkg Stove Top Stuffing (chicken)
8 oz shredded cheddar cheese

In a skillet add olive oil and heat over medium heat.  Place chicken thighs in skillet and sear for a minute on each side.  Add chicken broth, diced onion, water, pepper and garlic powder.  Heat to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer on low for 45 minutes to an hour.
Pre-heat oven to 350°

In a 9x13 casserole dish, add chicken and shred.  Mix corn, ro-tel, soup, milk, cooking broth and stuffing together until combined well.  Add a little more broth if the stuffing seems to dry.

Bake for 25-30 minutes.  Add shredded cheese to top and bake for another 5 minutes until cheese is melty.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Zombies...Oh My!

When you just thought the yellow brick road had lions, tigers and bears... well, my road isn't really yellow and it's not made of brick.  It's actually black top, there are a few mountain lions, and snakes out there and possibly a zombie or two lurking in the dark.

No.. not really.  I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but I HATE exercise.  I know I need to do it to be healthy and I usually go all in when I start a new exercise program, dvd, plan, etc...and, that lasts for about 3 days.  The weird thing is that I really really want to LOVE exercise.  I've wanted to be able to do a 5K fun run or color run and yes, maybe even a Zombie run with my friends, but I know I wouldn't make it a 1/2 mile without wanting to sit down somewhere and get a ride back to the starting line, so I could go back home and take a shower.  I don't like sweating much either. lol

Around November of last year a friend told me she was doing a 5K training.  I was like, yeah, yeah, I tried C25K (couch to 5K) I don't think I even made it a week.  She told me it was an app on her phone and it was fun.  So, of course, me wanting to hear how it could be fun asked...She told me it's a Zombie Run.  Now, I'm a huge fan of the Walking Dead, but I'm not really into being Zombie bait...

I downloaded the app on my iphone and set out on the first day with where the story begins...

The "dr." explains where they are, what's happening and that they desperately need you to help.  So, the first day, I listened and did a 1 mile walk.  I was really impressed with myself.  But, I never did the actual Week 1 Work out.  In fact I never even thought about it after that day.  It got cold outside, snowing, ice, there was always an excuse not to go for a walk.

Yesterday, the guys were hogging the tv with Nascar Racing and Drag Racing ALL DAY LONG...and I was cruising through my friends posts and saw a picture of someone who had completed a 5K run.  I was actually jealous.  I remembered the Zombie app on my phone.  I got right up, found my earbuds, dug my running shoes out of the back of my closet and without a word, walked outside.

In the back of my mind I actually heard a little voice saying 10 minutes.  I'd heard that voice before, she's the one who doesn't like exercise.

I turned on the app and the "dr" explained what I was doing. First a 10 minute walk.  uh oh,  that voice came back.  just 10 minutes.  Then the "dr" said we were going to do drills of 1 minute walking and 15 seconds of running (10 times).

I made it through the 10 minute warm up walk, just fine.  That voice was starting to get louder, she wanted to go back in the house because she was getting a little winded.  But I wanted to see if I could do the drills, so I kept going.  I finished all 10 drills.  The voice inside my head was screaming the entire time.  STOP, STOP, STOP.  I didn't stop, I was sweating, I was gasping for breath, but I didn't stop.  Then the "dr" said, now I want you to do a 10 minute free form run.  You pick how much running and walking you do.  So, I walked for about a minute and then, starting running.  I told myself to run to the next mailbox,  I made it to the mailbox, run to the next driveway, I made it to the driveway, go to that tree shadow, go to the horses...I just kept going.  In all honesty, that little run was probably only 1 minute, but I did it.  I kept pushing farther and farther and then I noticed that the voice in my head that kept telling me to quit wasn't screaming any more.  I walked a little bit more and then I'd run, pushing myself a little more each time.  Before I knew it, the "dr" was saying great job.  You've completed day 1.  She told me to stretch, and take a shower and for my good work to take the next day off.

I walked back in the house 38 minutes later, my phone showed I had gone 1.85 miles in that amount of time. My face was the color of a beet and I was breathing really hard, but I went in and took my cool shower and I felt so freakin proud of myself.

Even though the "dr" told me to take the day off, I think I'm going to go outside and do it all over again.  I've got to get my training completed so I can progress to the Zombie missions.  I might not be able to kill the Zombies, but I will definitely be able to out run them.

If you want to join me on my 5K mission, come on over to my support group on facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/healthy.choices.WLS/

Find the app on your phone, register at https://www.zombiesrungame.com/ that will let you share your training stats with the group.

I personally need all the motivation and support I can get, lets be accountable to each other.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What do you lean on when you're mad?

I don't get mad very often, in fact in the last couple of years I could probably count my mad days on 1 hand.  Usually, I'm not so much mad but instead my feelings are hurt.  In the past when this happened I would go to the kitchen and start looking for something to calm my nerves.  Something sweet or salty, it really didn't matter.  After my cabinet raid I'd feel better for a little while.  But the pain always returned.

Well, today I got my feelings hurt.  I spent most of the day cleaning house and working my Skinny Fiber job.  Had my plan for dinner and was just sitting down to knit a few rows when David came home.

I started fixing dinner, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy.  THEN....

He proceeded to tell me what I didn't get done instead of saying something positive. He told me the kitchen floor was dirty, apparently a penny had been laying in the floor next to the baseboard for 2 days.

He works hard, in a hot shop all day and yes, I have the privilege of staying home.  I take care of the house and cook and all the other domestic chores.  I had planned to mop the kitchen floor, but I put it off.  I thought about it all day long and should have just gone in there and gotten it over with.  Mopping is one job I absolutely hate.  Apparently, he'd had a bad day and I got the brunt of it.

So, with my feelings hurt, I went into the kitchen.  While I was getting dinner ready.  I caught myself browsing through the refrigerator.  I thought to myself, what in the world are you doing.  You are going to eat dinner in about 30 minutes.  I paced around the kitchen for a few minutes and decided to mop the kitchen floor.  I pulled all the chairs and table out of the kitchen and swept up the dust bunnies that were hiding under the chairs, and mopped.  I guess when you're upset and mopping you put more force and effort into the back and forth motion.  I worked up a big sweat and got it finished by the time the oven timer went off.

I plated his for for him, I usually just tell him dinners ready... moved the table and chairs back into the kitchen and told him to come eat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this... When you're stressed, upset, feelings hurt or just plain ol mad.  If you usually go to the kitchen to make yourself feel better, try mopping.

I actually feel much better now.  I got an ugly chore completed, I didn't stress eat and my feelings are feeling just fine.