Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What do you lean on when you're mad?

I don't get mad very often, in fact in the last couple of years I could probably count my mad days on 1 hand.  Usually, I'm not so much mad but instead my feelings are hurt.  In the past when this happened I would go to the kitchen and start looking for something to calm my nerves.  Something sweet or salty, it really didn't matter.  After my cabinet raid I'd feel better for a little while.  But the pain always returned.

Well, today I got my feelings hurt.  I spent most of the day cleaning house and working my Skinny Fiber job.  Had my plan for dinner and was just sitting down to knit a few rows when David came home.

I started fixing dinner, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy.  THEN....

He proceeded to tell me what I didn't get done instead of saying something positive. He told me the kitchen floor was dirty, apparently a penny had been laying in the floor next to the baseboard for 2 days.

He works hard, in a hot shop all day and yes, I have the privilege of staying home.  I take care of the house and cook and all the other domestic chores.  I had planned to mop the kitchen floor, but I put it off.  I thought about it all day long and should have just gone in there and gotten it over with.  Mopping is one job I absolutely hate.  Apparently, he'd had a bad day and I got the brunt of it.

So, with my feelings hurt, I went into the kitchen.  While I was getting dinner ready.  I caught myself browsing through the refrigerator.  I thought to myself, what in the world are you doing.  You are going to eat dinner in about 30 minutes.  I paced around the kitchen for a few minutes and decided to mop the kitchen floor.  I pulled all the chairs and table out of the kitchen and swept up the dust bunnies that were hiding under the chairs, and mopped.  I guess when you're upset and mopping you put more force and effort into the back and forth motion.  I worked up a big sweat and got it finished by the time the oven timer went off.

I plated his for for him, I usually just tell him dinners ready... moved the table and chairs back into the kitchen and told him to come eat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this... When you're stressed, upset, feelings hurt or just plain ol mad.  If you usually go to the kitchen to make yourself feel better, try mopping.

I actually feel much better now.  I got an ugly chore completed, I didn't stress eat and my feelings are feeling just fine.

1 comment:

  1. I had a terrible weekend. I forgot to take my Skinny Fiber to KC with me. Ugh, I went 3 days without it. I feel bloated, like I've back tracked. I've got to get it together! I've got to start walking again. I know that made me feel better.
