Friday, June 27, 2014

One step at a time...

Today was the day...I got myself a membership at our local rec center.  My son-in-law, Brennan is my new trainer.

As you all know, I've been doing a 5k training program for the last month.  I don't have a specific 5k event that I'm training for, I just wanted to do it for myself.  I'm 50 years old (51 in August) and I've decided it's time to get healthy.  I'm losing weight slowly and I've noticed that now that the fat is disappearing, I'm kind of saggy.  Especially my arms and tummy.

A few days ago, I made the decision...I called Brennan and asked him if he'd help me.  (He practically lives in the gym).  He agreed to be my trainer.

I met him up at the rec center today and signed up, got my picture taken.  Thank God they didn't let me see if because I'm sure I looked crazy.  I didn't know if I was suppose to look at the camera or above it or where.  My hair was piled on top of my head and I had no makeup on.  Very pretty.  But since I didn't see it, I don't have to be embarrassed.  Hopefully, tomorrow when I walk in, the girls at the desk don't point and laugh at me.  Then I'll know they've been sharing the crazy lady picture around.

Okay, back to my workout...  We started out with a warm up, fast walking 3 laps around the track.  Then we hit the weight room.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  He asked me what I wanted to start with and I figured arms would be a good way to ease into the weight lifting world.  I'm not quite sure what I was thinking.

We started with 3lb free weights.  I told him I didn't want to get big muscles, just tone my arms and get rid of the bat wings that flap when I wave.

The 3 lbs weights were too light so we moved up to 5 lbs.  He showed me how to stand and what the correct form is for each exercise we did.  I tell you what.  By the 3rd round of reps my triceps were on fire.  (Did you like the way I actually used the correct name for the muscle we were working).

Then we went over to this contraption that had pulleys and weights and these bar handle things.  I don't know how many different muscles in my arms that he tortured, but about an hour into our workout, I was sweating like a pig and I thought I was going to puke.  Seriously, I thought I was on the Biggest Loser show.  I was actually looking around for a bucket or trash can because I thought I was going to hurl right there in front of everyone.  I stood in front of a big fan for a few minutes and cooled off and gained my composure and went back for more torture.  Luckily, we were almost finished at that point.

Then we went back upstairs to the track and cooled down for 3 more laps.

I walked out of there and had to sit in the car for a few minutes because I didn't think my arms could hold the steering wheel.  I had to shake out the arms and wiggle my fingers to get the blood flowing again.  And I thought arms would be the easiest to start with.  Ha...

Tomorrow, I go back...I told him I wanted to work on my stomach muscles.  I may need a wheel chair when I get finished tomorrow.

The main thing is that I'm doing it!  Even if it kills me, I'm going to get healthy and get in shape.  It's hard for the short fat girl to even walk into a gym full of pretty people with their rock hard abs and perfectly cut arms and legs.  But I'm going to do it.  I won't quit.  I whine and complain...that's my coping mechanism.  Even though it sounds like I'm hating it, I'm really loving it and I'm so proud of myself.

I hope that I can inspire you to go for a walk, or maybe try some yoga, join your local rec center or gym and get healthy with me.  If I can do it, so can you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Because I'm Happy!

Who doesn't love the minions?

This is one of my favorite songs.  There's no way you can listen to it and not smile, tap your foot or just get up and dance!

All my life, everyone has thought that I was always so happy.  But, in reality it was a mask.  A big fake smile always plastered on my face.  I just felt like I never fit in anywhere.

In school, I had a few friends, I did have my bff and we did everything together.  We even went to the prom together because neither one of us got asked  by one of the boys.  Why, I'm not sure.  We just didn't fit in with any of the in crowds, wait, we didn't fit in with ANY of the crowds.  We came from a tiny elementary school that went to the 8th grade.  There were a handful of us and we had to decide whether to go to Claremore High School or Inola High School.  I lived about 5 miles from Claremore, and 15 miles from Inola.  The entire 8th grade graduating class were all going to Inola High School.  So I followed them.  Most of them already had friends at Inola school, except my bff and I.

At church, I didn't fit in at all.  Do you have any idea what it's like to be the ONLY kid in your age group?  Everyone was either 3 years younger or 3 years older than me.  I didn't have a Sunday School classroom.  I had to either go into the younger class or the older class.  When you're 12 or 13 years old, you don't have much in common with 9 year olds (even though my sister was in that class) and the 16 year olds don't want anything to do with you.  Even after I turned 18, the church didn't have any classes or groups for young people.  So I had to go into the class with my parents.  Talk about not fitting in, I was in a room with old people, like 40!  lol, now that seems funny as I'm typing it.

When I was 16, I found music.  I loved playing the guitar and singing.  But, my passion was bluegrass music.  Once again...kinda feeling like the outsider.  But I think I was truly the happiest I'd ever been.

Then came dating, marriage, kids...yes I was happy about it all, but I really wasn't happy about me.  I don't think I liked myself much during those years.

I was really happy when I found myself without a job and my family supported me in opening my own yarn shop.  Knitting and designing had become a huge passion in my life.  I really enjoyed every minute of knitting a pair of socks, or a sweater.  Yes, even when I'd mess something up and have to take out upteen gillion rows.  But I still wasn't happy with me.

I can say that my weight problem exploded after several surgeries, hormones, metabolism, yada yada, but I think the real root of the problem was I wasn't happy with me.  Not being happy with myself, even after losing some weight, it was easy to gain it back because eating was comforting.  I'm not an overeater, I'm a stupid eater.  I would always have healthier choices for snacking available, but I wouldn't want the healthy stuff.  I would rather eat a row of Oreos, or a bowl of chips and salsa.  Eating out with my friends made me feel happy.  But it wasn't true happiness.

It has only been in the last 9 months or so that I've started being happy with myself.  I really like myself.  I like hanging out with myself, working out with myself.  I don't have to fit in with the "in crowd" or have lots of friends to keep me occupied to be happy.

I just had to look in the mirror and see ME, not who I thought everyone wanted me to be.  That mask I'd been wearing for so many years had finally fallen away and there I was.  Just me, nothing fancy, curly hair, no make up ME!

So, look in the mirror and find yourself.  You might have to look for a long time, but you'll be able to see the happy you shining through.

Clap along if you're happy!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Setting Goals

How many times have you set a goal for yourself and actually succeeded in reaching that goal?  Me, not very many.  Sure if it was a goal, like a deadline for work, well, yeah, I always hit those goals.  But a personal goal that was just mine, for me.  Once!  Way back in my 20's after having my son.  I lost 40 lbs.  I was fortunate to maintain that weight loss until I had to have my gall bladder removed and then a hysterectomy.  The weight piled on and then some more followed.

Every year, I've set goals for myself.  Like, I'm going to lose 70 lbs in 6 months.  Did it happened? hahahaha, nope!  I probably didn't lose 7 lbs in 6 months.  I can remember with every new diet, I would keep it a secret.  That way if I didn't succeed, no one would know that I'd even set a goal for myself.  I wouldn't be embarrassed by not being able to do it right.

When we set goals for ourselves we need to make sure they are realistic goals.  Can they actually be achieved.  Now this doesn't mean to set a goal like losing 7 lbs in 6 months.  That's not really a goal, that's a colon cleanse.  lol...sorry for that.

The goal that I set for myself when I started taking Skinny Fiber in August 2013 was to get healthy.  I didn't give myself a time limit.  I knew starting out at 207 lbs I wasn't going to be able to lose it fast.  Yes, the first 20 lbs came off pretty quickly, but the last 20 has been a very slow process.  But I'm definitely getting closer to my goal.

It's very important to be held accountable to something or someone.  When I started this journey, I told everyone and I mean EVERYONE!!!  I basically shouted it on facebook to anyone who would listen.  When you are trying to reach a big goal, you need help.  Tell your friends, especially the skinny ones.  If they are really your friends they will want to help you reach your goal just as much as you want to reach it.  Tell them what you are doing, what and how you are eating.  If they know you're serious they will be more aware of possible temptations and less likely to flaunt their ice cream cones in your face.

Losing weight and getting healthy is a big task to take on and it will take me a long time to reach.  So, I set little goals for myself.  Not necessarily weight related, because I don't like the scale so I avoid it most of the time.

As you know, if you've been reading my posts either here or on facebook at Teresa Harmon then you already know that I'm committed to training for a 5k.  I've always wanted to say I could do it.  I've tried a couple of times in the past few years to do couch to 5k and just couldn't stick with it.  Well, yesterday, I posted in my closed group at Healthy Choices & More!! that Monday (today) would be Week 3 Workout 1 in my Zombies 5k Training.  My goal was to move faster, and go farther than I'd been doing.  Week 1 and 2 my average speed was 3.5 ish mph and I was doing about 1.8, 1.9 miles during the workout time on the app.

I got my running shoes and my phone, and took off.  This workout was harder than the last 2 weeks because instead of the 10 minute warm up walk, I only had a 5 minute warm up and then 5 minutes of free form running.  Then it went into the walk/run drills.  In previous workouts it was walk a minute, run 15 sec (week 1) and run 30 sec (week 2) this walk run drill was run 1 minute, walk 1 minute and 10 knee lifts.  OMG, there's a huge difference in running 30 seconds and 1 minute.  I know its only 30 more seconds, but my lungs are still burning and it's been over an hour and I've had a shower since I finished my workout.  After the walk/run drills they had 2 - 8 minute free form runs.  I will admit that the first 4 minutes of the 1st free form run was totally walking.  After completing 2 complete trips around the neighborhood I was lucky enough that the app completed at the end of my driveway.  I drug myself up to the house and decided to take a pic of myself so you could actually see that I'm doing it.  If I could listen to the app and video my workout at the same time I would, I tried it, but it won't work.

I was so surprised to see my stats.  2.27 miles at a pace of 5.89 mph... I did it!!!! I succeeded in reaching my goal!

I swear the last time I actually ran enough to be winded and sucking air, with sweat dripping down my back and between my boobs was in high school when the coach would make us run laps in the gym.  I remember dreading spring because it was time for field and track season and I was horrible at it all.  No coordination.  I couldn't run fast or I'd die, I couldn't jump high or long.  So, for me to be 50 years old and able to actually walk/run/jog for 2.27 miles is a HUGE accomplishment!

Set your goals realistically, set small goals that you can attain with a little push.  Don't make them so easy, then it's not really a goal.  Be proud that you've succeeded. Tell your friends and family that you are setting goals and that you might need their help.  Reward yourself when you reach a goal.

My reward is going to be some new workout clothes!

If you want to join me on my quest to run a 5k, register at and follow me, my username is teresaharmon.

This is after completing today's workout!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Days Fly By!

Can you believe it's already June?  It seems like just yesterday that we had snow and ice every where.  The days just move by way to fast.  In the blink of an eye, summer will be gone and winter will be here again.  (for those of you not from Oklahoma, we only have 2 seasons here, that's why I skipped the mentioning of autumn.  We only have an autumn season for about 2 days.) lol

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the days are going to pass us no matter what.  I hear so many people say, it will take me forever to lose this much weight.  The first thing I think of when I hear this complaint is, the days are going by anyway so you might as well start today.  A year is a year, forever is forever.  But just think, if you don't start today, where will you be a year from now?  Probably the same place you are right now.

You are probably reading this right now because you've heard that little voice in the back of your head telling you it would be a good idea to lose a few pounds before you shimmy into that bathing suit in a few weeks. We all do this, we get all gung ho on a project, whether it's losing a few pounds or starting a new hobby or redecorating a room, it doesn't matter what it is...we go in full force and then in a few days after the new has worn off, we go right back to our same old ways.

I've gone on so many diets over the last 20+ years, I can't even count them all.  I'd lose weight, then plateau and then I'd give up.  I became tangled up in the strings of the yo-yo and couldn't get untangled.  I felt like a complete failure.

In all honesty, this is the first time I've stuck with a plan.  I won't even call it a diet, because I'm not dieting.  I'm living.  Skinny Fiber has given me my life back.  It has taken away all the cravings for carbs and sugary treats.  I'm not going to lie, I do indulge sometimes.  I made myself a scoop of ice cream with a little hot fudge for dessert tonight.  But guess what, I didn't even eat it all.  Just a bite and I was satisfied.  In the past I would have eaten a big cereal bowl full of ice cream and then a little later I would have wanted something salty and I would grab a bag of chips.

I don't have to count calories, or points.  I don't have to measure everything I eat.  I eat the foods that I like.  I love fruits and veggies now, in fact that's usually what I go for if I want a snack.

So don't let the days just pass you by.  Do something about it!  If you are interested in learning more about Skinny Fiber and it's ingredients and how it works, click this link and watch the 5 minute video.  Skinny Fiber will change you life.