Friday, April 10, 2015

Portion Distortion

Are you working really hard trying to lose some excess weight and nothing seems to be happening?  You've cut out the sugary drinks, you're making healthy choices, and you've given up all you're favorite fast foods.  Why are the pounds hanging on?

It sounds like you're doing everything right. Right??

We have become so used to eating huge portions.  Restaurants servings are enough for 2 people and sometimes 3.  We were raised to clean our plates, and 20 years ago that was okay because portions were much smaller.

Let me ask a few questions:
1.  Are you measuring your food?
2.  Are you weighing your food?
3.  Do you track your calories? carbs?  (Myfitnesspal is a great app to use for tracking your food)

Sometimes we think we are doing everything we possibly can to lose weight but it just isn't happening.

I can remember wondering this same thing.  How many salads do I have to eat to lose a pound???

Well, it depends on what you're putting on your salad and how big is your salad?  You can eat a big salad of fresh greens, cucumbers, broccoli, green peppers, cauliflower, radishes, carrots and tomato.  But you've got to watch the dressings, cheese, meats, croutons, etc.  Did you know some salads have 2000 calories?  eeek... That's more than my daily caloric intake should be.

One of the easiest ways to help control portions is to use a smaller plate.  When you use a 8" plate or salad plate.  You feel like you're eating a lot because you're eyes see a plate full of food and then your brain is okay with the smaller portions.

Eat slower and listen to your body.  At that first inkling that you are feeling satisfied (not full) stop eating.  You don't have to clean your plate!

Size it Right!  Are you following this guideline?  If not, you need to start.

Don't suffer from portion distortion... Once you size it right, the weight will start falling off!

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree. I have started weighing and measuring everything.
